this poem was an outlet for me to express my strong feelings, and my attempt at showing that this was me, and that it was not going to change.

#lgbtq #poetry #queerpoetry #poemtiktok #poemĢ57 Likes, TikTok video from casey :-) "book is perspective by casey leach - i wrote this poem at a very confusing and difficult point in my life, where by the time of writing it, i was afraid of expressing my true self to others out of fear that i would not be widely accepted due to the outlook of others i lived amongst. this is a very special and important poem to me, as since writing and publishing this book i have grown as a person, and i often use it to reflect on the importance of my own self acceptance.

Book is perspective by casey leach - i wrote this poem at a very confusing and difficult point in my life, where by the time of writing it, i was afraid of expressing my true self to others out of fear that i would not be widely accepted due to the outlook of others i lived amongst.