To assist his research, he gathers samples of every imaginable creature capable of flight-including a mysterious giant caterpillar that feeds only on “dreamshit,” a weird new drug that’s ravaging the city. Isaac considers the magical grafting of new wings, or mechanical devices to reproduce flight. Yagharek, having had his wings hacked from his body as punishment for a crime Isaac cannot comprehend, desperately yearns to fly again.

Overweight, talented but erratic scientist Isaac-his girlfriend is a khepri, with the red-skinned body of human female and a head resembling a huge scarab-accepts the flying humanoid Yagharek as a client.

Humans, aliens, sentient floor-mops, and other entities even more bizarre maintain an uneasy coexistence criminals may be sentenced to have their heads grafted on to coal-burning machines. In the stinking, teeming, rotting city of New Crobuzon, magic, science, and alchemy all work. Doorstopper steampunk fantasy from the author of King Rat (1999).