As a magistrate during the Salem witch trials of 1692, he examined more than one hundred accused witches, and found them all guilty. As the Massachusetts Bay delegate, he tried to rid the town of Quakers by having them whipped and dragged through the street half naked. His great-great-grandfather William Hathorne came to Salem in 1636. Hawthorne, who was born in Salem, Massachusetts, was aware of his messy Puritan heritage. HAWTHORNE WAS SO ASHAMED OF HIS PURITAN ANCESTORS, HE CHANGED HIS NAME. Here are 10 things you might not have known about the classic tome. When Nathaniel Hawthorne published the novel on March 16, 1850, it was a juicy bestseller about an adulterous woman forced to wear a scarlet ‘A’ on her chest by a community steeped in religious hypocrisy.

These days, we tend to think about The Scarlet Letter in relation to high school students struggling with their English papers, but we didn’t always see the book that way.