Too lazy to build his own shelterbefore the Big Rain comes, Lion orders the other animals to do it for him, but when none meet hisstandards, Lion pays a soggy price for his.Lion, William PГЁne Du Bois, Mar 1, 1956, Juvenile Fiction, 36 pages. Rory loves lions, and heis convinced that he hears one roaring in the night.Lazy Lion, Mwenye Hadithi, 1990, Juvenile Fiction, 32 pages.

Spring/Summer 2000.Rory and the Lion, Jane Cabrera, Sep 1, 1999, Juvenile Fiction, 24 pages.

Dandelion: Story and Pictures, 2009, Don Freeman, 144200956X, 9781442009561,Baker & Taylor, CATS, 2009DOWNLOAD Dandelion is invited to Jennifer Giraffe's party, he decides he must look fashionable for theoccasionDOWNLOAD 're Going on a Lion Hunt, , May 1, 2000, Juvenile Fiction, 32 pages.