Humpty dumpty through the looking glass
Humpty dumpty through the looking glass

humpty dumpty through the looking glass humpty dumpty through the looking glass

Humpty Dumpty then asks her what her name means, and she says that names do not have to have meanings. He asks her how she knows this, and she says she read it in a book. He argues that there is nothing to worry about, and before he can explain why, Alice says that it is because the kings men will all come to put him back in his place. Humpty Dumpty asks her not to mutter to herself, and she expresses concern about him being seated so precariously on the wall. Because she is dissatisfied with the conversation, she recites the Humpty Dumpty poem to herself.

humpty dumpty through the looking glass

He is offended by her remark that he looks like an egg. Alice realizes that this must be Humpty Dumpty. The egg continues to get bigger and bigger, and it also has acquired human features, and it is sitting atop a rather narrow wall.

Humpty dumpty through the looking glass