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I gratefully received a copy of the book from the publisher and NetGalley. “.it was not just a nightdress, it was kindness.”A few other quotables:“Where does a caged animal go when it is freed?”“How will you ever truly live if you are too afraid to be where you need to be?”Definitely, a book to read to experience the varied lives of orphan train children. Em discovers this when Abigail lends her a clean nightgown. Can Caleb, the sheriff, ever start seeing with eyes of the soul?Sometimes we think the little things we do for others don’t matter.

This is one discussion my husband and I have repeatedly with our young, single twenty-somethings. I also loved that the heroine is not beautiful by most people’s description of beautiful. I also appreciate the fact that one of their children is NOT walking in their ways. Where will Em decide her best future lies, in The Hope of Azure Springs by Rachel Fordham?Fordham brings to life the story of a “prince” and “princesses,” beauty and ugliness, and the ugly reality of lonely children who travel the orphan train west to very uncertain futures.I loved Abigail and Abraham Howell and the generosity and love they show to Em in her hour of need. Overall I love the townspeople and how they came together to help Em feel at home.I received a copy of this book from Revell Publishing. There is a bit of danger in the story that will keep readers on their toes. The writing flows easily and the character development is right on track. Will Em find her sister? Can Caleb and Em learn to trust each other? It's hard to believe this is a debut novel. There are emotional times that brought tears to my eyes. The author draws the characters closer as they open up about their past. Perhaps people couldn't see the real beauty she had inside. Their relationship is slow and I kept wondering why Em was referred to as a plain woman. He has this sense of protection over her and wants to help her find answers to her past. She also has a mission to find her sister.Caleb is the sheriff and wants to find out who hurt Em and why. I loved how she didn't want hand outs and was willing to work to repay the family that helped her. She never gives up and her determination is far greater than most her age. Em has had a hard life and her strength overwhelmed me.

She has been left to die but lucky for her was found and taken in by a gracious family. I could see the town and the promises of growth and wealth in the small but almost forgotten piece of the world.The character Em is a rare and mysterious young woman. The author captures the time period with breathtaking scenery painted by words. This is a beautifully written story that takes readers to 1881 where the land was hard to work and the town was small in Azure Springs, Iowa.